Homeschooling, Unschooling/Life Learning, continued…

In my last post we explored the two main approaches to learning at home: homeschooling and unschooling/life learning. Families taking the homeschool approach are following an established curriculum and are working within a schedule for completing it year-by-year. Families taking the unschooling—or life learning approach are following their child’s interests and natural curiosity, building a … Continue reading Homeschooling, Unschooling/Life Learning, continued…

Homeschooling? Unschooling? Life-Learning? Down the rabbit hole we go…

Before I had my son, Chayton, I knew very little about homeschooling. I was a teacher in a school when I first become aware of the term and simply thought that if parents believed that they could do a better job than I was doing—teaching their children—they were welcome to it. Later, I spent some … Continue reading Homeschooling? Unschooling? Life-Learning? Down the rabbit hole we go…