Chayton’s 12 week photo shoot

baby feet

On the morning of Chayton’s 12th week (two and a half weeks ago) we decided to have a photo shoot to capture how much he had grown. Also, we had received the home studio lighting we had ordered the week prior and I was keen to start learning how to use the kit.



We bought the lighting mainly for food photography. I am working on writing a cookbook and am trying to improve my photography skills for the pictures. I normally prefer taking pictures in natural light and as we tend to eat most of our meals outdoors in the summer it is easy to take well-lit pictures. However, in the winter it can be a challenge to take a great shot and the wooden log walls tend to cast an orange glow on everything. Hence, the lighting…

chayton photoshootbaby



ps3 Chayton

So here we were with this great lighting and a 12 week old little boy who is deliriously cheerful first thing in the mornings. We set up the bed with more white sheets, arranged the lighting and began snapping away while our boy smiled and laughed and kicked. It was a lot of fun and we got almost a whole hour of shooting in. Previously I had watched some youtube videos with tips on how to position baby and the lighting but clearly I have a LOT to learn as many of the photos are still very dark. Anyway, this photo shoot was more about playing and trying things out in order to understand light and shadow… and to have some fun commemorating Chayton’s third month. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

babyChayton50 Chayton42

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